It is our duty to preserve a global environment for future generations, while developing a sustainable society that preserves the Earth's limited resources and manages waste.
- ETRIA wants to highlight corporate citizenship by promoting the change of our state of mind and the implementation of technological innovations (this is the case with the Eco MFP, a concept invented by TOSHIBA allowing recycling and reuse of printed sheets)
- ETRIA works on the development of "environmentally conscious products" that reduce the negative impact on the environment at every stage of the process: raw material supply, manufacturing, distribution, consumption and product revaluation (WEEE)
- ETRIA relies on "Green Procurement Recommendations" to promote environmentally friendly purchasing (ROHS) and health (REACH) in line with the group's requirements
- ETRIA Manufacturing France asks its suppliers to actively cooperate in this process for the preservation of the environment.
Ethical trading and code of conduct are at the forefront of the ETRIA Group's policy on Governance, Relationships and Working Conditions, Environment and Loyalty Practices as well as issues related to its customers and the territory (community and local development).
The ETRIA Manufacturing France site in Dieppe is ISO9001 - ISO14001 - OHSAS18001 certified in the 2015 version of the Standard.
Strongly committed to the preservation of biodiversity Dieppe site is recognized "REFUGE NATURE" by GONm (Norman Ornithological Group) for many years and contributes to the preservation of bird species qualified as vulnerable.