Field tools for continuous improvement:
Practiced on our site since 1988, the Total Productivity is the privileged means to place the men and women of the company at the heart of the continuous improvement.
Based on simple principles, Total Productivity (TP) allows everyone to improve their work environment and contribute to the performance of the company. These improvements concern quality, productivity, but also working conditions, the preservation of the environment (eg sorting), safety, maintenance, etc.
The preferred tools are:
- The 5S (in Japanese: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke, which can result in delete, simplify, heal, monitor, satisfy)
- WSI (Workself Improvement) or improvement of one's workstation by oneself
- The visual management (the site of Dieppe was cited as an example in the book of Michel GREIF "The factory is displayed" published by Editions d'organization)
- TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), application of the principles of Total Productivity to maintenance, which empowers the user to maintain and improve his work tool
- Six Sigma, both statistical tool for process control and change management in the implementation of PDCA progress plan (Plan - Do - Check - Action)
Experience sharing is a privileged means used by our teams to continuously evaluate the performance of our company against best practices, exploit the information coming from our customers to change our services and develop the initiative by the confrontation of ideas.
- A commitment of the management team
- A clear corporate strategy broken down into key projects
- A local management trained to animate the teams
- Lean experts supporting change management in all sectors of activity
- TP secretaries and coordinators responsible for field facilitation